Monday, May 23, 2011

Praise Him...any how, any how!

I love gospel music. The rhythm and vibe not only speak to my soul but the lyrics often prove to be a testimony for me during different times in my life. Sometimes the lyrics are scripture. Sometimes, they are just reflection of what the songwriter was feeling at the time when he or she wrote the song. Either way, the music resonates to me in so many ways.

There is a song that was written a while ago. I don't remember the lyrics, title, composer - none of that! I remember that the tune was catchy and that the basic theme of the song was to praise God at all times no matter the circumstance. Praise Him any how, any how!

During particularly rough times in my life, I have often wanted to throw in the towel. I remember looking for a job when I decided that it was time for me to leave my last company. I started looking in December, 2005 and it took me until November, 2006 - almost a year later - to find a new job. I was frustrated, angry, disappointed - all of the above! I knew that the place where I was working was toxic and was not going to be the place where I ended my career but I had to endure it for almost a year longer (I stayed there for five years) before I could make the change. There were times when I wanted to just throw in the towel on the job search. Just stay at my old job and endure the agony. But I had to push through. I had to remember that I was still alive and well, gainfully employed and able to do the things that I wanted to do in life. So what if the place wasn't where I wanted to be at that moment? I had to praise Him any how, any how.

I have sometimes felt frustration in being a business owner when not everyone is bought in to the business. Not everyone shares the vision. Some will tell me up front, some will advise that they are interested and then never return a call when I reach out to them and some of them sign up and then never do the business. There are days when I want to just be a Soul Purpose customer and not a business owner. But there are days when I see how much the product has made a positive effect on someone because of the improved condition of their skin. Or I see how I have helped to enrich someone's life by helping them start a business and, potentially, get out of debt, buy something that they needed for their children, etc. So the disappointing times are far outweighed by the rewarding times and I praise Him through it all, any how, any how.

Rae Lewis Thornton spoke at my church this past Sunday. To those who don't know her, she has been an AIDS activist for many years. Anyway, she talked about some of the ups and downs of living with AIDS. She could have thrown in the towel years ago. Lord knows that others tried to throw it in for her because of her full blown AIDS. But she persevered and kept on moving. She's now an ordained minister, small business owner and motivational speaker but even the latter has been a challenge as speaking engagements don't always come in as planned. Praise Him any how, any how.

Jim Rohn said "Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue what you want". I love that quote. I like to add, "...and continue to praise Him in your pursuit...any how, any how."

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