Sunday, August 26, 2012

Well, it's been a while since I've written. I'm still in transition but have done what some would consider cheating - I got a keratin treatment! Yes, I gave in! My hair was looking crazy after a particularly tough work out once and I realized that I needed something to get me through this. Well, it's probably one of the best things that I could have done! My hair moves as if I had a perm but I have this treatment and it will last for 2 - 5 months! If I want to wear it straight, I can. If I want to wear it curly, I can. I love the versatility that it allows me! It's so cool! Here are some pictures of it above, post keratin. I love it! I'm still growing it out but we had to trim it a little to keep it neat. A little color and a cellophane and my hair is good as new! Let the grow out REALLY begin!

But wait, there's more. I noticed some thinning in the hairline and temples and a little patch in the back of my hair. Well, I have never worn braids and haven't had a relaxer since March 23, 2012 so I don't know what was causing that. I went to  the dermatologist and they did a blood test. I get the results on August 30. Now, I'm no doctor and we probably have too much information on  the internet but the hair loss, plus nails separating from the nail bed, dark undereye circles and sparse eyebrows makes me wonder if I'm suffering from hypothyroidism. I will know soon. If so, then I'll be on some medication that will help with energy and other things. I mention it, though, because it will help with hair growth if what's causing it to be dry and challenged is resolved.

This made me really look at myself. My diet and other habits. I'm eating poorly, not getting enough rest, etc. I've got to make some changes. There were two things that I saw this weekend that made me finalize that call. One was checking out Jennifer is the little sister of my friend and soror, Christal Turner. I remember when we took dance lessons together at Mayfair Academy in Chicago. Jennifer was Christal's little sister who used to crack me up because she wanted "canny" (candy). Well, little Jennifer went on to be an accomplished violinist and did extremely well in school, having gone to Penn for undergrad and Stanford for her MBA. So, she graduated and has done well in media but what I didn't know is that she's an accomplished fitness expert who has run marathons and triathlons. Look at her website. She looks stunning!

Then Mike and I hung out in Michigan City this weekend and I bought a couple of health magazines (magazines are my weakness). One of them showed a woman who looks years young because of changing her health and beauty habits. Some of what she was dealing with had to do with thyroid issues (droopy eyelids, sparse brows, dry skin). The woman who wrote the article, Kat James, broken down what was causing some of her other issues, i.e. facial puffiness, under eye circles, acne, rosacea, wrinkles and dark spots. Fascinating. Kat James has a website,, as well as a best selling book, The Truth About Beauty, which I have ordered, of course. Bottom line, I'm changing these eating habits. Between that, the wonderful skincare products that I'm using through Soul Purpose and the hair care that I'm getting from Steven Deer, I am making some wonderful changes in my life! Oh, and don't forget the exercise! I'm getting back into my yoga habit and went for a run/walk (okay, far more walking than running) today to get the blood circulating.

More to come but I see myself looking and feeling FIERCE over the next few months! Can't wait to share all of that with you!

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